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Violin Home Lessons Martelé





Martelé is French for hammered (with a hammer).

Learning Concepts

  • Improves projection, articulation, and clarity.


Exercise I: Martelé Upper Half

martelle musicPlay the excerpt from Kreutzer Etudes No. 7. Start at the tip of the bow and use only the upper half. Before moving the bow, add pressure from your bow arm so the bow sticks to the string. Then quickly jerk the bow. You should be creating a "T" sound at the beginning of the stroke (similar to collé only louder because you are using more of the bow).

Important Tips:

  • To prepare for the up-bow, start with your fingers straight ready to throw the bow
  • To prepare for the down-bow, start with your fingers curved (especially the pinky) ready to throw the bow
  • Always imitate the hard consonant sound of the "T"
  • Use your biceps to throw the bow up and triceps to throw the bow down
  • Play slowly with no metronome and away from the bridge

Here's what it should look like:


Exercise II: Martelé Lower Half

martelle musicPlay the excerpt from Kreutzer Etudes No. 7. Start at the middle of the bow and use only the lower half. Before moving the bow, add pressure from your bow arm so the bow sticks to the string. Then quickly jerk the bow. You should be creating a "T" sound at the beginning of the stroke (similar to collé only louder because you are using more of the bow).

Important Tips:

  • To prepare for the up-bow, start with your fingers straight ready to throw the bow
  • To prepare for the down-bow, start with your fingers curved (especially the pinky) ready to throw the bow
  • Always imitate the hard consonant sound of the "T"
  • Use your biceps to throw the bow up and triceps to throw the bow down
  • Play slowly with no metronome and away from the bridge


Hers's what it should look like:


Here is what your bow hand should look like (showing both Upper and Lower half exercises):



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