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Jonathan Hill

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jonathan hillJonathan began playing the violin at the age of 5 and made his concerto debut in the Royal Festival Hall performing the Bach Concerti at the age of 8. Ten years later he was to turn professional, and commence his career playing with all the major London orchestras. He soon progressed to commercial session work, where he has worked with such illustrious artists as Madonna, Robbie Williams and Kylie. This line of work has also led to film sessions where Jonathan has been involved with the soundtracks of many blockbusters including 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, 'The Mummy Returns' and 'Sleepy Hollow'.

His classical experience does not end there though, having appeared in the cast albums for several musicals and shows including 'Cats', 'Chitty', 'Joseph', 'Jesus Christ Super Star' and 'Evita'. He was the leader of the hit show ‘Singing in the Rain’ (Saddlers Wells Theatre 2004)and continues to be the principal guest leader of 'Les Miserables' at the Queens Theatre. Most recently Jonathan has been appointed first violin and second assistant Musical Director of  'Guys and Dolls' at the Piccadilly Theatre opening June 1st 2005.

Having given numerous solo performances, including recitals as far afield as New Zealand, Tahiti and Hong Kong, Jonathan decided to join the classical/fusion group the ‘The Planets’ in 2000 and signed to E.M.I Classics. Sure enough the exhibitionist in him came bounding to the surface and he came into his own prancing round on stage in tight clothes for two years. This experience not only helped him develop his presence as a soloist and performer, but also enabled him to flaunt what he believes to be his ‘striking good looks’, appearing in photo shoots and interviews for magazines such as Hello and O.K.!

Jonathan has now returned to the classical and commercial session scene. As well as filming and recording ‘Phantom of the Opera’- the movie, his other projects include recording a new solo album,  writing and presenting a classical radio show and generally trying to get onto television (see Latest) as much as possible.

In amongst this hectic schedule, Jonathan pursues his main interest of Shotokan Karate. Having gained 10 belts in two years he is an assistant instructor at three local clubs teaching both adults and juniors.  With swimming, running, cycling and surfing as well, Jonathan  is seriously considering increasing the number of hours in his day….


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