Learning Concepts
- Improves the overall shape of the left hand.
- Trains the hand to be more articulate and accurate (no muscles,
just a twitch).
- Builds confidence with double-stops and improves overall intonation.
- Increases dexterity, agility, strength and stability.
(based on the Sevcik System)
*Intonation Training CD-Track 1 C Major
Tuning Exercise
Start at quarter note = 40
Gradually move the speed up to the goal of 64th notes = 40
- Start slow and tune at
= 40. Every time you double your speed, slur together twice as many notes in one bow.
- Be articulate about lifting and dropping your fingers (lift fingers and then snap them down like
you are hitting a bell).
- Repeat all patterns in all positions and keys.
Do not do this exercise for more than a few minutes a day. If pain or extreme tightness occurs do not continue the exercise. Be careful with any pain you might experience doing any exercise.
Try to determine if it is a sharp pain in a joint or tendon (which is very dangerous)
or just soreness in a muscle that needs more conditioning (not so dangerous).